Income Tax Quiz

30 Apr

Take this quiz to find out how much you know about filing taxes.

Tax Preparation

Tax Preparation (Photo credit: agrilifetoday)




People usually put off doing their taxes until the last minute.  What do you usually put off doing?  Describe a time when you put off doing something and regretted it later.

2 Responses to “Income Tax Quiz”

  1. Harris April 30, 2012 at 11:06 pm #

    Hi Jennifer,
    I’m sorry to say that I usually put off making comments. As you know, I have to work on the daytime, and attend school in the evening. Afterwards, I have to have my dinner and give myself a bath at home. Then, I have to force my brother to go to bed and check his homework. Then, I have to watch my personal soccer matches, etc. Anyway, there are many excuses for people to procrastinate. Personally, I think I have no stress to force me to do it like the Canucks always put off winning the Stanley Cup.

    • Jen May 1, 2012 at 12:06 pm #

      Hi Harris,

      You’re a very busy guy! Yes, there are always excuses for procrastinating. The real question is whether the excuses are valid or not. Actually, you don’t really put off making comments. You’re a regular contributor. Keep up the good work!


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